Wvde career advisory handbook

Welcome to a wonderful career and a great profession. Welcome to teaching.

The West Virginia Education Association (WVEA) welcomes you to the teaching profession! We hope this handbook will help you get your career off to a great start.

This New Teacher Handbook is intended to provide resources to help connect with every student. It includes teaching tips, techniques, best practices and resources by teachers, for teachers. Let it serve as a reminder that you are never alone in the classroom. WVEA’s dedicated staff, known as Organizational Development Specialists along with our Help Center staff meet or talk daily with teachers across the state to provide resources, opportunities and direction on professional issues. Your WVEA staff and colleagues are here to answer your questions, and to help you succeed in your chosen profession.

Together we stand up for ourselves, our students, our profession and West Virginia’s future. Your WVEA membership includes many benefits all aimed at helping you survive your first years as a teacher and thrive as an educator. Our goal is to strengthen the teaching profession by providing opportunities for quality professional development, networking and resources. We work to create better working conditions because our teaching conditions are student learning conditions.

Importantly, WVEA represents you in the legislative arena, which affects everything you do, everything you learn and everything you earn in the classroom. We work tirelessly for public schools and for those who provide our students with the best education possible. You will find there are so many great benefits from belonging to your professional organization. Have a great year!

Your West Virginia Education Association

Table of Contents

Belong To Your Professional Association

We’re working together to provide a quality public school to every student, regardless of ZIP code. Every student has a basic right to a great public school that’s why our Association is about more than
salary and benefits. It’s about creating schools and supporting educators who are growing tomorrow’s
inventors, thinkers, artists and leaders.

We are stronger together. Our collective voice affords us the strength to do more together than we can by ourselves. Our collective actions advance our profession and improve public education. Together we stand up for ourselves, our students, our profession and West Virginia’s future. Become a member today! Go to wvea.org/joinnow.

The Value of Membership

WVEA Help Center – 1.866.568.WVEA
You are never alone in your classroom and your one-stop shop is the WVEA Help Center. A Member Advocacy Specialist will answer your questions from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. each school day and will call you back if you leave a message. Just call 1.866.568.WVEA.

Can’t get to a phone? Then e-mail your requests directly to the Help Center. You’ll get a speedy response. Help is just a phone call away – 1.866.568.WVEA.

Keeping Organized Is Critical

Maintaining your own up-to-date personal and professional records is every bit as important as keeping your lesson plans and grade book organized. Having the appropriate documentation on hand can be critical to placement on the salary schedule, clearing up misunderstandings, making sure your evaluation is fair and accurate, etc. Proper written documentation can help keep a problem from becoming serious or being a problem at all.

Professional educators should have the following documents on hand:

Your Teaching License and Certification

If you are a newly licensed teacher in West Virginia, you have already cleared your first professional hurdle and you hold your first teaching license. After your initial licensure period, you will need to qualify to renew your license.

You are responsible for keeping your license up to date. Failure to do so could result in the loss of your job. No one may teach without an up-to-date West Virginia teaching certificate. Again, you are responsible for renewing your own license. School systems have no choice but to terminate your employment should you let your license lapse!

A few tips to guide you through the renewal process:

Certification Renewal

*The WVDE maintains a certification section on their website. Many of your questions can be answered there. If you still have certification-related questions, you may also contact the WVDE’s Certification Toll-Free Line at 1-800-982-2378.

The Basics: What Else You Need To Know

Here are some more things to know and have on hand. Be sure to check with your WVEA colleagues or staff if you have questions.
