Family & Safety

Worried about doing this on your own? You may be able to get free legal help.

Part of the safety and protection library, sponsored by Perkins Coie.

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The Big Picture

An Order of Protection is a court paper that protects its holder from abuse of:

Someone in their family, A current or former partner, or Someone who lives with them.

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Help ILAO open opportunities for justice Make sure you are safe

The first thing you need to do is make sure you are safe. Domestic violence victims are most likely to be attacked when they leave the abuser and/or when they seek legal help. The following article has information on how to create a Security plan for victims of domestic violence. The plan can increase your safety and prepare you in advance for violence that may happen in the future. You don't have control over your partner's violence, but you do have a choice about how to respond, and how best to get you and your loved ones to safety.

Look for free legal help

You are not alone. There are several domestic violence agencies throughout the state that can help you through this process. You can also click on Get Legal Help and visit the Victims of Crime Portal.

Before taking action, call the Illinois Domestic Violence Hotline (877) 863-6338. It is multilingual, confidential, and available 24/7. You can also call your local domestic violence agency. These organizations can help you understand your options. They can also tell you what to expect if you decide to go to court.

Fill out Order of Protection forms

To get an Order of Protection, you must file court papers and talk to a judge.

You will need to fill out these forms to ask for an Order of Protection: