Abstracting the Geniuses Away from Failure Testing: Ordinary users need tools that automate the selection of custom-tailored faults to inject.

Authors : Peter Alvaro , Severine Tymon Authors Info & Claims

Pages 29 - 53 Published : 01 October 2017 Publication History 7 citation 33,208 Downloads Total Citations 7 Total Downloads 33,208 Last 12 Months 2,256 Last 6 weeks 173 Get Citation Alerts

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This article presents a call to arms for the distributed systems research community to improve the state of the art in fault tolerance testing. Ordinary users need tools that automate the selection of custom-tailored faults to inject. We conjecture that the process by which superusers select experiments can be effectively modeled in software. The article describes a prototype validating this conjecture, presents early results from the lab and the field, and identifies new research directions that can make this vision a reality.


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Abstracting the Geniuses Away from Failure Testing: Ordinary users need tools that automate the selection of custom-tailored faults to inject.

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Queue Volume 15, Issue 5 Cryptocurrency September-October 2017 ISSN: 1542-7730 EISSN: 1542-7749 DOI: 10.1145/3155112 Copyright © 2017 ACM.

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