Paying for long-term care

Get current accommodation costs and learn how the Long-Term Care Rate Reduction Program helps low-income residents pay for basic accommodation.

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Long-term care accommodation costs

All long-term care home residents are required to contribute towards the cost of accommodation and meals. This is called a co-payment fee.

The amount of your co-payment fee is based on whether you are in a basic, semi-private or private room.

Regardless of room type, all long-term care residents are entitled to the same level of care.

The Ministry of Long-Term Care sets maximum co-payment fees each year. These are standard across all long-term care homes in Ontario, whether for profit or not-for-profit.

Long-term care home maximum co-payment fees (effective July 1, 2024)
Type of accommodationDaily rateMonthly rate
Long-stay Basic$66.95 $2,036.40
Long-stay Semi-private$80.72$2,455.24
Long-stay Private$95.65$2,909.36
Short-stay$43.34 N/A

In addition to your co-payment fee, your long-term care home may charge extra for optional services, such as:

Reduced rates for low-income residents

If you are a resident and cannot afford the basic co-payment fee, you may be eligible for financial help through the Long-Term Care Rate Reduction Program.

This program helps cover the co-payment fee for eligible:

Regular semi-private and private accommodation are not eligible for a rate reduction.

There is no specific income threshold for receiving a rate reduction because the Long-Term Care Rate Reduction Program considers multiple factors in calculating a resident's rate reduction.

While everyone’s circumstances are different, a person who is not claiming any dependant deductions or income exclusions (please see below for more details) would likely qualify for a rate reduction if their income is $26,224 or less (based on the basic accommodation rate effective July 1, 2024).

The amount of rate reduction you receive will depend on:

Most people who receive a rate reduction still pay a portion of their co-payment fees.

To apply for the program, you or your lawful representative must complete an application form and submit it to your long-term care home.

You must re-apply for a rate reduction each year.

Benefits that affect rate reductions

Before you apply, or to calculate if you are likely to quality for a rate reduction, make sure you are receiving all the government benefits you may be entitled to.

If you are age 65 or over

You may qualify for:

If you have a partner or spouse who is also eligible for OAS , you can calculate your benefits separately, resulting in both you and your partner or spouse receiving a higher benefit amount. To do this, fill out a form for Involuntary Separation (the form name is unrelated to your marital status).

If you are under age 65 or ineligible for Old Age Security

You may qualify for the:

How rate reductions are calculated

The Long-Term Care Rate Reduction Program is based on your annual net income. The program uses this formula to calculate reduced monthly rates:


Reduced monthly rate = (annual net income ÷ 12) - comfort allowance - dependant deductions

Calculation terms defined

Annual net income

Follow these steps to calculate your annual net income (do not use this method if you are eligible for ODSP or are in the process of transitioning from one set of government benefits to another):

  1. Start with your most recent Notice of Assessment. Your annual net income will be on line 23600. (If you find a discrepancy or error in your Notice of Assessment, contact the Canada Revenue Agency for assistance.)
  2. Add any new income that is coming to you but that is not included in your Notice of Assessment.
  3. Some income can be excluded from your net income amount. If any of these apply to you, subtract:

You may be able to exclude additional sources of income if:

Please note that your rate reduction calculation will not include your assets. For example, a house you own will not be counted towards your annual net income.

Comfort allowance

The comfort allowance is a portion of income retained for personal needs, such as clothing, telephone, cable and the Ontario Drug Benefit Program’s mandatory prescription co-payment. Currently, the monthly amount is $149, but this may fluctuate due to changes in income during the year.

Dependant deductions

You may be able to retain some income to support a dependant spouse or child(ren) living in the community. The actual amount, if any, depends on the dependant’s own net income.

Your spouse or child must access all income sources available to them before you can request a dependant deduction.

Spouse dependants

A spouse means two people who are married to each other or live together in a conjugal relationship outside of marriage.

To be eligible for the dependant spouse deduction:

Child dependants

A child is considered a dependant if they are:

Situations where you cannot receive a dependant deduction

When to apply

You can only apply for a rate reduction after you move into your long-term care home. Apply within 90 days of moving in.

Your rate reduction will begin to apply for up to 90 days before the date you submit your application. To make sure you receive a rate reduction for as many days as possible, submit your application within your first 90 days at your long-term care home.

How to apply

Whether you are applying for the first time or re-applying, the process is the same.

  1. Make sure you are receiving all the benefits you might be eligible for.
  2. Gather information about all your sources of income.
  3. Inform your long-term care home that you intend to apply. The home will provide you with the application form(s) and can help you complete the application.
  4. Complete and submit the application, along with any required supporting documents, to your long-term care home.

Your home will submit the completed application to the ministry. Once processed, you will receive a rate statement letter outlining your monthly rate.

Re-apply every year

The Long-Term Care Rate Reduction Program runs from July 1 to June 30 of the following year.

Because your income can change, you must re-apply for a rate reduction each year.

For your reduced rate to begin on July 1, you must re-apply between July 1 and September 28. If you do not re-apply, your long-term care home can charge you the full cost for basic accommodation.

If you re-apply and qualify after September 28, your reduced rate will begin to apply for up to 90 days before you submitted your application.


If you are already receiving a rate reduction the year you turn 65, you will have to re-apply one month after your birthday, which is typically when you would transition from one set of government benefits to another.

Get help

For more information, or to get help filling out forms, speak to the staff at your long-term care home.

If you still have questions, email the ministry at If you don't have access to email, call the Long-Term Care Family Support and Action Line at 1-866-434-0144 .

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